In ways we've come a long way since the sixties.
In other
ways we haven't budged. We understand Laws of
Nature, yet
we pass laws of wo/man in contravention of their
elements, and then wonder why the Laws of Nature
Newton was and is still right. "For every action,
there is
an equal and opposite reaction." In the decade
of the '90s
it will be that men have something to say. And
it starts
with "we have feelings." This includes modesty.
For all
that has been written about the harmony of female
in male locker rooms, it is doubtful that it
will exist into
the '90s unless the male athletes have their
privacy -- from
everyone, in one form or fashion.
Equality v. privacy is not a conundrum. It's
time for the
League, plus team and media management to reinforce
the house of cards and get the locker rooms
in order.