It's a shame that women sports reporters have
not gone back
into court demanding permanent privacy shields
behind which
no reporters could go under the argument that
locker room
access and opposite gender nudity is not equal,
for there is
a flaw as inherent in this arrangement as there
is in the
"separate but equal."
It's a shame that the athletes have not insisted
on the
permanent privacy or the exclusion of all reporters
from the
private areas. Had they continually disclosed
their feelings
of discomfort prior to the Incident, their disclosure
have been viewed as pro-active instead of reactive.
It's a shame that the media has not called the
teams and
league management to task for not providing
their reporters
permanent privacy areas which would have truly
allowed all
to practice their profession on an equal basis
-- including
the "excluded" female reporters who being either
sensitive to
players' privacy requests, or not up to the
onslaught of
taunts and frustrations have not entered the
locker rooms.
Ultimately, it's a shame that the National Football
has not insisted that all locker rooms, in all
NFL stadiums
and practice areas, have permanent privacy areas
and a strict
dress code for all players that venture beyond
the privacy
barriers. Had the NFL done so, all of the above
would have an expectation of behavior and conditions.
Wyche would relax; the players would relax;
and the female
reporters would relax. Change starts from the
top with the
promulgation of rules which modify behavior.
The better the
rules, the better the attitudes about the change.