Women and men have more in
common than they do apart.
It's ironic, that stripped (an appropriate
word) of the
rancor or sexual harassment, the
reporter and athletes --
protagonist(s) and antagonist(s)
whose roles have yet to be
assigned -- of the Incident have
more in common than they do
apart. Both parties appear to be
(or have been) victims for
by their recent comments in the media,
they are uncomfortable
with the present locker room arrangements.
Together, they
should insist upon being the parties
to their own remedies.
This common discomfort which is surfacing
is intriguing.
Why haven't the uncomfortable people
gone for a cup of
coffee, put their feelings on the
table, and formulated a
workable arrangement before the Incident?
To the extent that the combined power
of 28 NFL teams --
approximately 1260 male athletes
-- and approximately 500
female sports reporters have not
challenged the responsible
powers (i.e., the court, the League,
owners, coaches and
media management) it is to be wondered
why some have been
victims for so long. Are they
unwilling victims, or willing
victims? Are there other subtle
sources of intimidation
indicating to their respective sides,
"Tough it out... you
knew what you were in for when you
became a professional?"
What is "toughing it out" about?
Taking a hit is expected of
football players; accepting a "clip,"
or "face mask," is not.
Clearly, League rules limit the amount
of "toughing it out"
that players must endure. So, how
does "toughing it out" fit
in getting or giving an interview?
Surely, there are U.S.
court rules. The question is, "Who
is doing the refereeing?"
Without doubt, the Patriots (and
players on other teams) have
been and are sexually harassed, if
they are unable to enjoy
their Constitutional rights to privacy,
however defined.
Access to private areas by male reporters
enables the presence of females.
It's all or none.
Without doubt, female reporters entering
into a male locker
room are sexually harassed, if by
merely entering they
encounter undesired nudity resulting
from poor privacy
shields, affronting confrontations
by nude men who go beyond
the privacy barriers, and unwanted
remarks of a sexual or
degrading nature.
Without doubt, the real culprits
of the sexual harassment are
those parties which through commission
or omission allow the
dignity of either gender to be assaulted.
The law and legal
precedent is clear and constantly
Finally, there must be silent victims
of the parties involved
as well, the spouses and children...
especially the children
among their peers. The Law of Averages
is always at work.
And school yard cruelty always exists.