Over 200 years ago, some were responsible
for the
"Shot That Was Heard Around The
The American Revolution.
Today, we have other men --
interestingly known as New England
Patriots --
who are responsible for yet another
"shot" of equal retort
within the United States... the
locker room incident.
The "Incident" places squarely on
the table the topics of individual rights
versus equal rights as determined
by the court;
changing attitudes about what is
the power-brokers that can make
things right;
perceptions of double standards;
and the
apparent long-term failure of both
genders in coming to terms
with most issues... locker rooms
for certain.
Today, great adjectives are attributed
to our founding fathers,
though at the time of their revolting
the majority of people in the Colonies
called them scallywags,
revolutionaries, criminals, and
treasonous infidels.
And again today, there are cries
of Neanderthals, pigs, jerks and more
to men of a team known as Patriots.
The question is...
Are these revolting men as currently
ascribed by others' name calling,
or if the comparison may be made,
are they men revolting (knowingly
or unknowingly) against the
taxing burden of exploitation and
forced nudity as true patriots?
If the players are revolting, then
against whom?
Women? Women in locker rooms?
The court ruling? A double standard?
Team management? Or the
NFL for not providing privacy?