Importance of User Groups
I hold this truth to be self-evident, but apparently it is not so
obvious to others! Recently, I have come across many software
companies which have not formed a User Group; have no intention
of forming such a group; and have copped extensive rationals for
not doing so... And here I thought that the only questionable
issue was whether a company referred to this group as User's,
Users', User or Users.
Uneqivocally, a strong Users Group is a company's mealticket to
gaining and maintaining market share via its user base. It
generates an "infectious enthusiasm," that pervasively spreads
into a company's prospect base like blood into water causing a
buyer feeding fever. From a marketing/sales perspective there
can be no justifiable reason not to have a User Group. But it
happens....AND WHAT A WASTE! My purpose is to make this fact
Before starting, let's get the definition straight: A User Group
is an association of end-users who share the common element of
having all purchased and/or used a company's product(s). And
that's about all that is common about them, for as we shall see,
these groups come in all forms.
From a users viewpoint, there are some other real reasons
to band together.... To confirm their buying decision; to compare
notes and experiences with other users; to learn new techniques
in the product's application; to validate current procedures; to
set realistic expectations for the product's utility; to see who
else bought the product; and to tell the vendor what they like,
don't like and would like to see improved.
From the vendor's point of reference, User Groups should provide
an occasion.... to "gather the flock" for thanks for their
continuing loyalty; to get focused feedback on product
enhancements and new product direction; to informally off-load
vendor support to mutual support from other active users; to
learn side functionalities and extra market positions; to
announce new products; and to parade the company's growth via the
user base size. Well then...
I offer that it is fear on the vendor's part which blocks the
formation of a User Group. This fear is caused by that little
gremlin, Failure, that is in the back of all our minds. You
know, it's the one which causes our second guessing, feeling
guilty, and being embarrassed. And without a volunteering
vendor, it's very difficult to have a roll call of end-users.
I suppose that you could attribute this uneasiness to the ghost
of all those hotline calls; complaints about documentation, bugs
and the inconvenience of re-releases; plus knowledge of the
functionality-vs-budget trade-offs that had to be reached by
product management which conjure such dark images of users coming
after your corporate throat.
Einstein discovered that something very special happens when
highly charged particles get massed together....and I'm afraid
that what I pastorally referred to earlier as the "gathering of
the flock" is more than likely viewed by vendors as the critical
massing of excitable participants in which the outcome is very
uncertain and potentially explosive.
I'd like to report that such fears are unfounded --- but they are
not. Hostile groups have happened. However, since passive
aggression is as deadly as active, I submit that user hostility
vented.... is a load better than user hostility contained (unless
a company is planning on going out of business, tomorrow).
Consequently, there is only one underlying truth which needs to
be recognized to debunk these fears: WITHOUT A STRONG,
Most of us can recall the sickening futility of Hamburg Hill in
Vietnam where the "prize", the hill, was abandoned after the
costly fight. That's somewhat the feeling I get about companies
that forget prospects once they become users. The companies
leave the prize behind... along with their sunk expenses. Any
cost of sales analysis shows that the expenses are far too great
and the efforts are far too enormous in acquiring an account to
do that.
Yet, here are the rationals offered by companies that do: 1.
We're too small. 2. It's too costly. 3. We don't have the time
and people resource. 4. The users will request too much. 5. The
users will gang up on us. 6. We're apprehensive.
Rather than personally refute each of these rationals, let's look
at four local software companies -- Cullinet, McCormack & Dodge,
BGS Systems and Whitehat Systems -- to see how they have managed
the User Group issue and have benefitted.
Bogus Issue: BGS Systems of Waltham, MA had only 60 users at the
time of planning for their first national meeting. That was in
l980. They had only begun to actively license their software in
l979. Approximately 45 separate users ( about 80 people)
attended. True, this is in sharp contrast to McCormack and Dodge
of Natick, MA which went almost a decade and 900 customers before
formalizing its Users Groups. But it proves the point that a
company needn't be huge to have a User Group. Actually, a
smaller company obtains the greater benefit by massing its
reference base together as soon as financially possible.
Bogus Issue: Whitehat and BGS got their User Groups started for
less than a page in Datamation. Companies dictate the expense
....not the users. It's a matter of a company setting the limits
based on what it can afford or wishes to spend; and the control
that it wants/needs to have.
To illustrate the point, McCormack & Dodge and Whitehat assume
expense by providing administrative support to their Users Group.
Normally this means paying for and handling all of the mailings;
sending staff to attend and present at meeting; providing formal
and informal exchanges; etc. Other costs are borne by the users.
BGS Systems financially supports the entire national meeting
except for the users' travel and living expenses while attending.
Cullinet sort of does the same thing for their User Week.
Regional meetings for both are totally supported by the users...
much like M&D's and Whitehat's arrangement.
These extra dollars invested seem to pay handsome returns.
According to Greg Ware, VP of Sales at BGS, in addition to
providing all the customary functions of a User Group, BGS has
discretely taken the opportunity to turn the annual Users Group
meeting into an excellent closing vehicle by allowing selected
prospects the opportunity to attend. Ware adds that the Users
don't mind, because they (the users) probably came into the fold
in the same manner and are appreciative of the opportunity to
look before leaping. Julie Khuen, Product Marketing Mgr, of
Cullinet in Westwood, MA, reports that her companies allows the
same privilege. "The salesmen love it!" And so they must. Last
year's attendance exceeded 3,000 attendees -- up 40%.
I would too. It's the ultimate reference sell; the ultimate press
of flesh; and the ultimate exposure to "infectious enthusiasm."
Valid Issue: M&D, BGS, Cullinet and Whitehat all have people
assigned to support their Users Groups. All report up through to
the VP of Customer Service or Marketing. These companies have
come to understand that User Groups are all about relationships;
and like others, these require nurturing.
McCormack and Dodge by far has the largest staff of the companies
surveyed to do this. Gina Fulchino, Manager of Customer
Relations, heads the task. She prides M&D with having the best
relations with its users than any other vendor. And well they
might. M&D may have gone a decade and 900 customers without a
Users Group...but, when they saw the light, they S-A-W T-H-E L-
From no Groups in 1979, three types of User Groups (product,
regional, & special interest) have evolved accounting for 8
product groups, 24 geographical groups of which 10 are
international, and 10 special interest groups (i.e. by industry
or by hardware etc,). THAT'S 42! Additionally, Gina's position
was created in 1980; and three other people have been staffed to
assist her. These four matrix with the product managers and
regional offices to get their users group meetings together.
Nice touch! You might say that M&D has made a commitment!
Barely an Issue: John Montgomery, Vice President of Marketing at
Whitehat, learned this after the fact ...but he makes no bones
about Whitehat's initial concerns: "We were very apprehensive
about bringing users together to form an Advisory Council... We
didn't know what to expect... In retrospect, we wish that we had
done it a lot sooner... We discovered that our users believe that
we are heading in the right direction... We even got some ideas
on new market areas... Everybody is excited."
To me , that quote says it all. The fear of failure is grossly
overstated. There are but two questions that need to be
addressed before squaring off with users. First, is your company
making a sincere effort to correct and enhance your current
product/service. Second, regardless of the rate, are these
efforts making a positive difference. Sincerity has its own
beauty... and users are quick to appreciate it.
Well, the arguments may always exist whether it's User's, Users',
User or User .... but there should be no further argument about
the merits of convening such a group. A solid, referencable,
loyal user base is by far the most coveted asset that any
corporation can have. User Groups are the one marketing support
activity that best assures this possession. They insure a
company's product(s) development; they demand a company's
continuing product support; and they hold a company accountable
by requesting your presence at the next "gathering of the flock".
That's a lot of pressure. But, that's what it takes to
continually succeed. And that's why those that contributed to
this article are in various stages of success. Consequently,
that's why you should believe in my rule: WHEREVER THERE IS MORE
If yes your company should be able to handle the arrows that may
come you way....which more than likely will not come en masse.
More probably, one self-appointed person will attempt to steal
the moment. But sincerity has its own lustre and gallent efforts
don't go unnoticed. The detractor will not find support from the
others who pick up on your sincerity. My recommendations for
those companies which still feel uneasy about handling their
first user group is that they seek the advise of associates in
other companies having users groups, their PR firm or other
consultants familiar with external company relations. And if
after all that advice and consul, there is still apprehension, my
guess is that you've finally got coming to you what you know that
you deserve.
To show the plus side of this concern about asking too much,
according to Ware, BGS over the past four years has taken the
opportunity of their user group meeting to showcase new products
and additional functionalities.
; and perhaps the ultimate exposure
to embarrassment. Hey, just because you buy them lunch doesn't
mean that they won't ask an unfortuneately tough question.
Another way to get started is to follow the path of Whitehat
Systems of Woburn MA. Though the result of a merger between
Interactive Management Systems and Manufacturing Resource
Processing, Whitehat itself is only 15 months of new corporate
age. It just held its first User Advisory Council meeting of 15
selected users who are now to form the Users Group at large.
According to John Montgomery, VP of Marketing at Whitehat, of the
fifteen companies invited to be on the advisory, all sent
representatives -- five sent two. This all leads to my rule