Marketing Triggers
1. Referral Offer - Offer an inducement for those who give
referrals of other potential prospects.
2. Unconditional Guarantee - Return the caller's money if
they are not completely satisfied.
3. Free Trial - Adds credibility to program and assures the
4. Free Gift or Information - Increases the percieved value
of the program.
5. Bonus for Immediate Action - provides incentive to call
and or leave name and address.
6. Trade Ins - Offer a rebate or discount for trade in.
7. Rebate - Customer realizes a discount.
8. Limited Time Offer - incentive to act quickly.
9. Rebate for Upsell - offer to rebate the cost of the call
if customer upgrages or buys larger quantity.
10. Free Samples - Gets product in consumers' hands.
11. Free Premiums (tickets, coupons) - Give away as
12. Investment Offer -
13. Charter Membership - Customer "belongs" to special
14. Donation - Portion of proceeds of call will go to
charity, political funds, etc.
15. Two for One - Buy one get two.
16. Bounce Back Offer - included with fulfillment, acts as